Wednesday, July 13, 2011


It needs to hurry up and rain here! For the last week the threatening look of the clouds has kept me from doing anything constructive. The least they could do is give me a little moisture to remind me of home.

I can't say I didn't get anything done I suppose. For one, I looked up my absolute favorite star in the sky. For years now, I've wondered what it was called and if there were any fascinating facts or stories about it. My recent ex used this star as an excuse to call me some nights because it shone through the fog on the ocean. I wished upon it alone every night for months. Whenever I had a night outside, I purposely sought out this glittering beacon. Sometimes, at my lowest moments, I directed prayers to this star. UMa 78. That's the name of my super-star (excuse the laaaame pun). No history or lore. No animals it helps draw in the heavens. Disappointing? You bet. I'd rename it in the ISR if anyone besides the ISR took them seriously.

The yard, well, scratch that..dirt patch out back, is improving slowly. Today my host and I moved 4 buckets of rock from one corner of the area to another. I use the term rock loosely, as it's really gravel in its cheapest form. In my opinion, grass doesn't belong in Arizona. That's why the turf that grows on its own here is hard and pokey like everything else in Arizona. The plants here launch sneak attacks on your feet in the form of small stickers that lodge themselves in socks, shoes, mats, and fur. When you finally find one, it makes you want to kill every form of flora in a ten mile radius. Gotta love the desert.

Tomorrow I'm looking forward to getting on this job hunt for real. Hopefully someone finds me on the couch tomorrow morning as I drink my coffee and hands me a job. But the reality of my situation has forced me to action. Still, here's hoping.

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