Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It has taken me a while to get back on here. For that I would like to apologize. I've found that when you put everything down on proverbial paper, some people have a hard time keeping an open mind. However! I have decided that, to put it plainly, I don't give a damn. With that in mind, let me fill you in on the last month of my life here in beautiful Arizona!

I now know my way around town well enough to find the Walmart and a Starbucks. My cat considers himself part of a "one cat wolf pack" as of late. I don't work out as much as I'd like to yet, but I have started jogging. It's just a shame that there are thunderstorms every day here this time of year. As a direct result, my tan is suffering. But I can make a mean jello shot these days.

As for my gracious hosts, they're doing well! They've just purchased a new car, which has about 175 hp on mine. They also have a very pretty new living room setup. Makes me feel like I'm walking into a Home & Garden magazine every time I leave my room..in a good way.

The 4th of July wasn't the biggest of events on my social calendar. All we did at the house was cook red and blue foods, then BBQ and go out for the fireworks. I must say, I was pretty happy about all those patriotic jello shots.

I miss my family back home. I am anxious for my sister, whose husband has decided to join the reserves. I'm happy for my father, as he gets to be with my sister. My other sister, one not by blood, is also in my thoughts. I want her to be happy as well. My mother's wedding will be next month. It's a shame I was demoted from maid of honor to, well, nothing. Perhaps I'll send a fruit basket. Aside from my bitterness about the wedding, I am happy to have chosen Tucson.

I haven't made many new friends. I haven't really been out of the house enough to even know what the neighbors look like. However, I am completely happy with the people I surround myself with on a daily basis. My only concern is my job situation. I'll have to keep you updated on that dilemma. I also hope sometimes that I'll find someone who isn't so tied down to go out on the town with every once in a while. Why live in a city if you aren't going to take advantage of it's..hmm..city-ness??

The deserts here are more beautiful than you can imagine. Who'd have thought that sand and cacti could look so pretty? I miss trees, waterfalls, and huge snow-covered mountains in the distance, but I'm adapting.

Expect more detailed entries from here on out, as I plan to commit to this blog.

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