Friday, July 15, 2011


Speaking as the only single woman on this airforce base, I'd just like to say that it SUCKS watching life here. All the happily married couples. All the moms with soccer vans full of little kids. All the pregnant wives with husbands who come home from jobs with new stories and kisses and ugh. I am beginning to think that a career and an apartment off this base would be the best thing for me to do. At least then I can pick the throw pillows and walk around in whatever undies I feel like! I guess I am just anxious for my life to start. I feel I've wasted years of my life constructing plans in the wrong cities with the wrong people. Hopefully, this time around (when it comes around, that is) will be more fruitful.

Today was a potentially productive day that turned into a major day in bed. I felt so sick all day! Up until a few hours ago, I didn't really feel like doing much besides laying down and passing out. Thank god for my hosts! They are amazing to me. Soup and brownies!!

I also applied for that sweepstakes deal on TV, Publisher's Clearing House..pray for me please. I'm thinking if I win, I'll buy my teal RX8 and my '94 Toyota and take a vacation back home. Not very saintly actions, but they sound fun to me!

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