Thursday, July 14, 2011


You know how there are two sides to every story? Well, I've decided that I don't like hearing both of them. It only puts a strain on the friendships you have and makes you question everything. So, from now on, I will be closed-minded and self-absorbed like everyone else in this God forsaken base. There! Now that my little rant is out, I can continue on with my all around good day.

Today, after a wonderful dream about my sister and I going to see motocross, I woke up to my host telling me to go babysit. Not that I mind babysitting my friend's two wonderful's just that a girl needs more than 5 minutes to get ready in the morning..or mid-afternoon rather. However, due to this friend's amazing breakfast wrap cooking skills, I had an alright time. We pointed out jets and read puzzles with all the pieces missing. It was a blast!

Got much more accomplished on the career front as well! My resume is completed, and I did some job scoping tonight online. Turns out, lots of people here have animals. There are probably 30 veterinary offices in Tucson within a 15 minute drive from the house. Tomorrow is going to be fun!

Working out tonight was also pretty amazing. Got some crunches and push-ups in with the hostess. Also went for a long jog/walk. After dark here on base you're supposed to wear something bright and reflective, but none of the airforce belts fit me. Yes, that is the best excuse I can think of for not looking like a damn fool running in protective gear. Have to thank the hostess for doing my laundry while I watched the chillens though. Wouldn't have had my classy teal running shorts without her!

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