Thursday, July 21, 2011


I'm beginning to think I need medication. This sleeping from 6am to noon business is starting to wear on me. Niquil? Dayquil? I'm at a loss here. My eyes are tired and my muscles are sore, but my mind will not shut off! At least I know that the stress and strain of my financial situation is almost over.

Job interview tomorrow!! Yes, the fact that I'm choosing to settle somewhere again scares the hell out of me. However, I like it here more and more every day. Sure, it's only a sandwich shop, and I might not even get the job. But a start is a start. My optimism is amping me up for this; I feel like my life is finally starting to fall back into place. Wish me luck tomorrow.

We rearranged my room this afternoon. I now have the option every night of bed or futon. It makes the room feel more open and a tad like a dorm. Maybe I'll have to start school to keep up with my living space's image. Oliver loves the couch. So naturally it has to stay. And I'm considering having slumber parties, just to make use of the space. It's a shame I don't have friends here yet! Hopefully, the new job will help with that (fingers crossed). I may have to share quarters with the hosts' family here soon. They may come down to visit, on the couple's first anniversary of all days. I would have told them to hold off, but they're nicer people than I am!

I am very much so looking forward to either of my sisters coming to visit! One of them I am attempting to convince to move to sunny Arizona (or the sunshine state as she accurately referred to it as). The other is visiting as a result of other people migrating south. Her son's father is going to school here, as well as my brother's ex. Also coming this way are her husband and his best man. My brother in law is going into the air force of all things! Perhaps I'll run into him here on base some day.

We got the cat and dogs all fixed up yesterday evening. No chew required! Oliver and his pack are now worm and flea free. The cat had a hard time with the host holding him, but his new softpaw nail caps worked wonders. Yes, he has pretty blue and gray nails now (in a completely hetero way). The host and hostess are making blueprints for a cat condo. From what I hear, it's going to be a cat palace. Looking forward to helping with that little project!

Do you remember those magnets that stick on the dishwasher and say "clean" and "dirty"? The hostess and I looked for an entire day in an attempt to track one down! Failing miserably, she decided to just buy a magnet from Michael's and decorate it accordingly. It turned out fantastic. There was color, and glitz, and it was just beautiful. Unfortunately, we have the only dishwasher that magnets do NOT stick to. It was pretty, just the same.

When we wake up later today we'll be going to the gym here on base. The host does those cycling classes. I hear that if you don't fall off the bike afterwards, you fall on the stairs outside. Can hardly wait! I'm in desperate need of some working out, as I'm finally putting on some weight. No more scrawny Alina. So there; stick it nature.

Got my bills all but paid today, and mailed off a few things. Looked into an AC recharger for the Aveo. I so badly want to drive that pregnant roller skate of a car off Mt. Lemmon.  Of course, I'd take the sound system out first. But then I'd have nothing to listen to driving it up there. The plan has some hitches, but I'll keep brainstorming. I have the longest list of things I need to buy when I get this new job. A phone would be a great addition to my life!

My employers from Minot ND all failed to send me my last check, so I'm taking applications for who wants to call and threaten them with some sort of labor and industry law. It wasn't a lot of money, but it would help right now. Again, my hosts are phenomenal about helping me out. I came home to freshly laundered clothing again today. I have it so good!

My hair turned out great! It's shorter than I pictured, but I love it. Just wish it didn't take a shower, straightening, curling, and a ton of hairspray to make me view-able every morning. I miss being able to use hairbands so badly. I carried some around on my wrist the whole first day before looking down and realizing that they were irrelevant to me now. Regardless, I look good. I'll learn to adjust. Also getting used to being more blonde. Apparently, I am no longer a redhead or brunette. People here are either delusional or the sun is working miracles on my do. In spite of recent developments, I'm keeping my non-ditsy disposition  .

The lightening storms here are still fairly ridiculous. Every night there are flood-inducing downpours. Assisting them are constant lightening bolts and huge scary cloud walls of dust. I found out today that a dust storm here, which is fun to watch, is referred to as a haboob. Is that not the funniest word ever?? It's arabic, but it just sounds like a term from Family Guy. Or maybe a new model from Volkswagen. Either way, I'm using it in conversation daily if possible.

Watched Jackass 3.5 tonight. I cried. I know, I'm the biggest loser ever. It's just sad to watch someone knowing he is gone now. All the friends in that show that are no longer able to have fun with him. It's terrible, and it puts things into perspective. On the opposite end of the spectrum, congrats to a new friend on her pregnancy!

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